
Hidden Showers is a voyeur porn site that features nude images of models shot in beach showers. If you tick at the site of juicy bums, curvy figures of women, nicely curved legs and sturdy boobs, check out this site. You only need to take your position and peek at the women and savor the beauty as they wash off in bathrooms, showers and other water points.


The site is projected against a blue décor with framed captions of women taking shower in cubicles. All the captions have an active link that leads you to the actual video scene with the models caught in the nude. There is a very clear layout of the content on the site. There are clearly labeled pages to help users navigate between the pages. Once you subscribe to this site’s membership, you are entitled to two bonus sites with lots of porn entertainment. You are privy to the content on a-magazine and privatelove It is not easy to keep users entertained for long with videos and pics of beautiful women in the shower but they try to keep the fire burning by providing frequent updates.

I was able to access the content on this site quite easily via my mobile device. It is a great modification they have made. It helps the site receive a lot more visitors. There are no live cams but you can download the content onto your PC or mobile devices. I only wish I could stream the videos. I managed to download the videos and sifted through them in record speed though.

Nice pay porn site with hot girls showing their bodies un the shower

Flicks & Chicks

Hidden Showers are about titillation of your sex juices when you view nude women in the shower. Indeed, this is one of the oldest fetishes many of us will attest to having or had at some point in our lives. If you come from a neighborhood where there are common showers for people living in apartments built in close proximity, you will agree that these are actions most people in their tender years, especially the boys, engage in all the time. Although the fetish tends to fade in most people because you soon get access to the real thing you were curious about in your tender years of life, I think the urge remains. It is only suppressed owing to societal decorum and expectations but adults will often seize the opportunity to catch a glimpse of beautiful women in the nude in the shower or elsewhere whenever they have a chance. The site offers over 1092 scenes in high quality form. They also update the content on daily basis with one downloadable video scene.

The videos have a playback time of 2 minutes each. All the movies are made in AVI format which provides crystal clear views. You will notice that these bonus sites contain a lot more action and real porn scenes than Hidden Showers. In fact you get the feeling that the site is used as a gateway to the bonus sites with a lot more robust adult entertainment.

In Few Words

Hidden Showers is a site that focuses more on soft porn and voyeur entertainment. The focus is on featuring as many women as possible taking shower. Voyeurs like me have sufficient variety here. It is one of the few porn sites that venture a little outside the core business of providing adult entertainment. There is an interesting array of services you won’t get on other porn sites. Apart from the daily updates, exclusive voyeur experience, fast loading advantage and high quality videos, the site provides support for download managers too.

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