
Jeny Smith is one of the best amateur porn sites on the porn scene, right now. In this site, you will be able to watch hundreds of amateur HD videos, featuring Jeny Smith herself. Jeny is a dream come true, you just have to see her once to realize that there is no other woman as beautiful as she is. If you were looking for the girl of your dream, you have found her. Take a look at Jeny Smith.

Good premium adult website showing the porn flick of a sexy model


Jeny Smith is a very strange and unique website, just like the girl herself; the site expels a sense of elegance and efficiency at a first glance. Both designers and developers have created a user interface that matches perfectly with the style of Jeny. It is as if the site itself is naked and you will only see what really matters. Both menus and links to other parts of the site are quite functional and easy to identify. Unlike other sites, the menus avoid being convoluted by giving simple prompts about what each one of them is all about. You will never get lost while navigating Jeny Smith. 

The efficiency of the user interface is helped by the incredibly fast loading times. The layout is so simple that when the pages are loading, it does not need to load countless images or walls of text, therefore the loading times are twice as fast as any other porn site you have ever visited. Jeny Smith knows that in order to give the users the best possible experience, the site needs to have quite a number of unique features and she delivers.

For example; at the site, you will be able to find a fantastic download manager that will help you download multiple files, like photos and videos at the same time. It is quite handy and when it comes to saving time, it is a fantastic tool. You will also find comments sections where you can leave useful feedback about that what you like and what you want to see more of. There are also ratings for each video, so you can show as much you like a scene. You can also access all this content via a mobile phone or tablet.

Flicks & Chicks

Jeny Smith is a solo site, therefore Jeny herself is the sole protagonist of the show. She is a fantastic brunette with the most amazing breasts and the most delicious butt. Her performance in each video in brilliant, she loves performing for the camera and you will love it as well. You will be able to watch Jeny in a variety of scenarios, from a sexy escapade to the beach, to a vacation to Las Vegas that is full of sex. Variety is the name of the game here and the site delivers in spades. Every video is available in gorgeous Full HD video resolution; you will not be able to miss even a single detail. Sound and music are also top notches as are the overall production values of every scene. There are more than 160 scenes available right now and the number keeps increasing thanks to the constant updates.

Videos can be downloaded as mp4 video files or you can also stream them in your browser. Download and loading times are quite amazing, so both options are quite nice. You can also download more than 134 image galleries, filled with the most impressive high-quality pictures. There are thousands of pictures waiting for you. To get access to all this premium content, you will need to buy a membership. You can choose from the 1 month, 3 months and 1-year options. They are all amazing and quite cheap.

In Few Words

Jeny Smith is a fantastic amateur solo site that features one of the prettiest girls in the business. The quality of both videos and images is spectacular and for your money, you will receive access to all of them and even access to live shows. You cannot miss a deal like this one. Join now!