
Man’s Best is a professional website dedicated to good gay porn since 1992. There are little websites dedicated to gay porn in the way Man’s Best is. At Man’s Best you are going to find all kinds of gay porn including kinky, BDSM and many others although it is not specialized in any of them

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Experience is something that shows once you get into the site because Man’s Best was producing gay porn since 1992 and not only for the web, also in VHS and other modes. This is why there are many videos here and even though it is not specialized in any theme you can find almost anything at Man’s Best.

The website has several plans including a one week trial and many monthly plans depending on whether you want to download videos or just watch them on the site. The navigation at Man’s Best is smooth and all the videos are sorted so that you can find whatever you are looking for in a glance.

The website is usable on a mobile phone but it is not really optimized. However it is a very intuitive site to navigate and all the galleries are also well sorted.

Flicks & Boys

There are very different body types as well as themes at Man’s Best. You can find whatever you want if it is related to gay porn. Expect to find 3somes and group sex, cumshots, blowjobs, anal sex, fisting, BDSM, kinky sex, hardcore as well as some transgender and uniforms.

Every week there are 3 new additions to the site, 2 remastered old movies and 1 new so it is a very active site despite having years of filming material already done. All videos are in MP4 format with high resolution in the new videos and a lower one in the old shots. However, you can also download the newer videos at lower resolutions if you want to do it faster. Same goes to the galleries, which are so varied too but the quality of the old ones is not as good as we would want. However, when it comes to the professionalism of the videos Man’s Best is second to none.

All the models being a pro is something that very few sites can boast of and the fact that even the staff, the directors, the cameras, and everybody is pros makes of this site a choice for the most discerning customer. Of course, the length of the videos is professional too so expect to have movies up to 90 minutes here, not just the regular videos you are used to finding around. We also have to mention that there is no DRM in the videos you download so it means what is yours, will be yours to do as you please with it, no restrictions. There are also quarterly and yearly plans for those who really like the site and want to be members for a long time at a discounted price. 


Man’s Best is a truly professional site that you can’t miss. The variety of the videos is a great thing because you won’t get tired with just one theme and the fact that you have videos that were shot since 1992 will help you to make an idea of how professional this site is. Uncut sex with all kind of kinky stuff is ready for you at Man’s Best!

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