
My Sex GFs is what you need when you are looking for something different in your porn search. This site is powered by All of GFs, one of the best networks when it comes to amateur porn, and it brings you real sex with legit chicks who are not putting out some acting in front of the camera. Instead, all their moans and orgasms are 100% legit. More than that, the GFs featured in these movies are not some fancy porn stars with lots of makeup on their face and many cosmetic surgeries. You will get all natural, all real sex, submitted by the very chicks and dudes who are performing in it. This collection is going to help you have fun many months, maybe years to come, so give it a chance in becoming your next main porn source. If you want to learn more about it, you can do so from the next segments of our review.


When it comes to amateur porn, usually you find it on free sites. However, the quality of those sites and the quality of the porn itself is reduced. The free sites are going to ruin your porn experience, no matter if you are looking for their amateur collections or any other thing. Mainly because free sites are living off the money, they make from advertisement. With My Sex GFs, you won’t be annoyed by any advertisement. No more loud pop-up commercials and banners that are making the browsing of the content a hell.

Besides, because My Sex GFs has enough resources, it also features an impressive site and they back up this site with some bad-ass servers, so page loading and buffering are almost instantaneous. The member area of this site is featuring lots of other browsing and navigational elements that are adding to the perfect user-experience of My Sex GFs.

Flicks & Chicks

With My Sex GFs, you will be able to watch some amateur porn at a whole new level. Because the couples know that they are going to get paid if their sex tape is good enough, their performance and the quality of the video itself is superior to the one found on free sites, where most of the videos are shoot with phones and are 2-3 minutes long. On My Sex GFs, the videos are on average 15 minutes long, and you will also get access to a collection of submitted galleries, each featuring about 30 photos. In total, the My Sex GFs collection brings you 700 videos and 800+ photos. The quality of the content is pretty decent, with an average resolution for the videos of about 448×352 and pretty decent pictures. Everything is available for download, and no limits are imposed to members on how much they can save for their personal porn collection.

In Few Words

The collection of My Sex GFs is truly one of the best amateur porn sources around the internet, and you can have access to it right now if you buy their membership. There is only one offer when it comes to memberships, the three months one, which costs $59.95. This membership will also bring you a cool bonus. The My Sex GFs bonus consists in access to the other 12 sites of the All of GF network, which has collections on different porn categories, all featuring exclusively amateur action.

Overall, the membership of this site will bring you more than 7,000 amateur porn movies and over 9,000 galleries of real photos, not just screen caps. With such a generous offer, amateur porn fans won’t need another site for at least 3 to 5 years. Enjoy!

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