
There is always a good thing about browsing the net, especially once you find a site of the studio that has produced and made most of the great porn out there. Really now, finding Vivid, home of Vivid Entertainment, responsible for all the famous porn movies you loved so much. As well as some ridiculously good offer on their site, you really cannot go wrong with this giant in the porn business, just read on and you will see.

My favorite pay xxx site with the best porn movies


A site that defines the term professionalism, against a white background, filled to the top with videos and images from porn movies, along with a self-changing slider that presents to you all the porn parodies of the popular movies, especially superhero movies. Scrolling down, I saw a lot of porn movies, belonging to a lot of categories, all of them done in a very professional way, as you could only expect from such a studio. With a sorting option, I was able to find what I most liked in a matter of seconds, as it has filters according to categories, rating, popularity, and all the things that would make your search easier.

The site, of course, is as optimized as you could expect, providing us with a very smooth browsing experience, whether it is changing videos, or just going from a link to link, browsing this treasure chest of porn becomes a slick journey. The mobile site is as optimized as the desktop one, bringing you the pleasure of selecting videos by just sliding.

Flicks & Chicks

With a name like Vivid, you can expect the videos to be made in such a manner that will make you ask why they were not granted some film rewards not related to the porn genre. I saw a lot of popular pornstars on the site like Jenna Jameson, or a number of celebrities to whose sex tapes you would get access to. Watch the Avengers get kinky in a way you would expect from such sizzling superheroes. I mean, those tights never show an erect dick? Sure thing, but here, they do not just show them, but suck them, ride them and just have themselves a good time while saving the world.

There are also parodies of Austin Powers, remember him, the Spy Who Shagged Me, except this time, you actually get to see him to the shagging, and the jizz splashes all over a girl’s face. The videos are, of course, in full HD, at least, which makes for an even more professional experience, as watching Iron Man get it on in the prison cell is really something. And the membership brings a lot more, over five thousand movies for you to watch, and they are all over twenty-eight minutes, at least. Without any DRM protection, that is a very good experience, especially if you add the picture sets, which go in thousands.

In Few Words

The site is updated regularly, at a rate which makes for a whole lot of porn; essentially, you cannot run out of it. With parodies of famous movies like The Avengers, Austin Powers and Star Wars, get ready for some real action which has all the professionals you wanted. Get aroused and cum with joy on this site, all in glorious full HD, at least.